miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Unidad Didáctica. Contenidos.

  • Block 1. To listen, speak and interact.
    • Asking and answering questions. 
                     Is it sunny today? Yes it is / No it isn´t.
                     Can you fish (a skirt)? Yes  / No.
                     What color is the sun? / What color is the dress?
                     Who is wearing trousers? I´m wearing trousers.
                     If it is winter, what do I wear? In winter, I wear (a coat).

  • Using vocabulary related to the weather, seasons, clothes and colours.
                     Weather: It´s sunny / rainy / windy / snowy / cloudy / hot / cold...
                     Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
                     Clothes: T-shirt, coat, jumper, gloves, trousers, shoes, socks, skirt...

    • Participating / taking part in role-plays and songs.
    • Listening to and understanding songs.
    • Understanding oral questions related to the weather, seasons, clothes and colours.
    • Recognising vocabulary related to the weather, seasons, clothes and colours, using visual support.
  • Block 2. To read and write.
    • Tracing the seasons, the weather and clothes vocabulary.
  • Block 3. Knowledge of the language and use.
    • Working on pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of the weather, seasons and clothes vocabulary; and also of colours and numbers.
    • Being aware of the differences between oral and written language.
  • Block 4. Sociocultural aspects and intercultural awareness.
    • Positive attitude towards foreign languages and cultures.
    • Participating in class activities.
    • Showing respect to others' opinions and participation.
    • Using verbal and non- verbal elements to communicate. 

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